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Ship to: Austria
Um pequeno desabafo

A little rant

This summer has been very challenging...

While for most people, the rain we've had might seem refreshing, for us farmers, it's our worst nightmare.

These days of rain and humidity, combined with high temperatures, are the perfect ingredients for a disastrous cocktail. They bring with them fungi, like powdery mildew and downy mildew, white powdery spots on the leaves that, in less than a week, can spread across all the plants before we even notice.

And rot, so much rot...

Our little aristocrats, poor things, look old, but they should be in full production, beautiful and robust.

It's a huge despair to see this happening from one day to the next, at a galloping pace.

We keep doing what we can for our plants: we feed them well, clean the old leaves, space them out, and regularly renew them, all to keep them healthy and resistant to these attacks. And we hope for better days...

- cris ferreira

Acredito que vão conseguir ultrapassar esta fase menos boa! 😊💪🏻

- Conceição Costa

Espero que tudo corra bem! Vocês conseguem. Força e vamos torcer para que as coisas melhorem🙏🏻

- Marie-Ange António

Coragem!! <3

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